What I Learned Today – Elk River Children’s Photographer

Today was the day for my Grandson eighteen-month photo session. We were suppose to start the morning at the park, but because of the rain we started with a studio session. He was a happy and active boy. Getting him to sit still, on the other hand, was not going to happen. He wanted to play. LOL. We did manage to get a few cute shots, but he was much too energetic to be shooting in the studio today. This one cracks me up. He is roaring at me. Who taught him that?

Once the rain stopped we headed to one of the local parks. He loved watching the leaves fall from the trees, and pulling my wagon full of gear. We tried really hard to get him to lie in the leaves, but he wanted nothing to do with that. Since by this time he was getting a little tired, I guessing laying down in the leaves, to him, meant nap time. What 18 month old do you know that likes to take a nap? Not this kid. NO WAY. We managed to get some really cute shots, before…

the sandman came, and someone fell asleep.

So what did I learn today? After it rains, you have the most gorgeous light to shoot in. It was like a huge softbox. Soft, beautiful, non-directional light. The light you find in a photographer’s dream. I wish every time I had an outdoor shoot I had the light I had today. Heck, I wish my studio had this beautiful light. Well, that’s it for now, I need to finish going through today’s photos. These were just too cute not to share right away.

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